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Drew Andrews Is A Panelist on the Webinar: The Cares Act and the PPP

It's barely been a week since the biggest stimulus package in the history of our country rolled out in response to the economic challenges wrought by the COVID-19 virus. The news changes daily, and it is hard to separate the knowns from the unknowns, the facts from rumor. If you have questions or are unclear about if and how the PPP can work for you, get the facts from a panel of expert professionals who will boil things down and bring clarity.

The panelists and industry experts include:
  • Drew Andrews, Managing Partner and CEO, Whittlesey
  • Wendell Davis, SBA Regional Administrator, New England
  • Joe Brennan, President & CEO, CBIA
  • Tim Bergstrom, Regional President for Hartford CT Market, Webster Bank
  • Taylor Shea, Partner, Robinson + Cole

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